Honestly, Shadowlands was not as awesome as I was expecting it to be, which is kind of disappointing - I'm worried that some of my students would be bored with Shadowlands and not want to read the rest of the series; they'd really be missing out because Hereafter was so good!!
Anyway, the novel is about a girl, Rory Miller, who is targeted by a notorious serial killer, who just happens to be her high school math teacher. Rory is able to escape his clutches, but after several days of FBI protection, it is discovered that the killer - Mr. Nell - has infiltrated Rory's family's home. So, they are sent to an FBI safe house in the elusive beach town of Juniper Landing. Rory's family quickly settles into the community, but Rory can't help but notice that something's slightly "off" about the town. Everyone seems to know everyone, yet no one seems to care when a teenage girl (Rory's friend) goes missing. Rory can't shake the feeling of strangeness, and is determined to figure out what's really going on in Juniper Landing.
Also Try: Tumble and Fall, by Alexandra Coutts; If You Find Me, by Emily Murdoch; "Private" series by Kate Brian