There were a few lines from the book that I absolutely LOVED, such as this one, in which Rory is describing how her roommate, Jazza, feels about one of their fellow boarders:
"There was an old feud there, one that predated my arrival. Charlotte was the full moon that brought out the werejazza."
I loved this clever comparison and thought the play on words was too cute! Then, there was a quote about normalcy that just seemed so real to me:
"Let me say this...There is no normal. I've never met a normal person. The concept is flawed. It implies that there is only one way people are supposed to be, and that can't possibly be true. Human experience is far too varied."
And then finally, this quote, while Rory is talking about the annoyance of dealing with anticipation:
"...waiting for the punishment was much worse than the actual punishment. The tick tick tick is much worse than the boom."
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